Weekly Update, December 14, 2020
Greetz internet friend and welcome back to my blog. In this short weekly update I’m going to share a few things and end early because I’m not in the mood to write that much. Let’s begin.
I am burned out, internet amigo. I’ve been going hard for the last two and a half year and I am out of energy to talk about hacking and professional stuff. I tweeted about it last weekend, but don’t expect my information security content from me for a while, I’m just not in the mood.
I don’t want to talk much about politics, but I am tired of writing about being tired of the Democrats not doing anything. You wouldn’t be able to tell they won from how they have been acting, and allowing the Republicans to start talking about ignoring election results and overturning the will of the people has me very tired. It’s time for them to start fighting!
Black Lives Matter
I don’t have much to say on this subject outside stating that Black Lives Matter!
This is my last week before vacation, and I am planning on spending my vacation writing music, creating art, and spending time with my family. That’s all I have to share for this, my shortest weekly update.
People to follow
As I do every week, here are some tech and non-tech people you might consider following on Twitter.
Martin Luther King III - The son of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Bernice King - The daughter of Dr. King
@cetolyne - great friend, awesome programmer, super helpful!
@blenster - cool maker, very positive, well worth a follow!
@GWeessies - very smart person doing interesting research!
Marley - first place champ! Marley is one of the best on Twitter!
Null Coder - another awesome person to keep an eye on!
@EvilMog - creator of the DC MUD and an interesting person to follow.
TrakoZG – an internet friend who tweets excellent things
Sofia Rune – brilliant scholar who shares things that are both insightful and valuable
MildThrone – up and comer with a small following for now, but I think this account is on the rise!
Johnny B. Ill – Brilliant musician with wisdom to share for those smart enough to listen
That’s it for this week, internet friend! Thanks for checking it out and I hope you have a very nice day and a most excellent week,
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